Weaverville Fire Department Support Services Minutes

January 4, 2017 5:30


Call to Order/ Welcome new members:  Meeting called to order at 5:33.

Members present: Terri; Betty; Briana; Kathy; Kayla; Larry H., Lisa; Serena; Kayla; Elizabeth                    

Visitors: None

Approve minutes December 7, 2016 meeting: Larry motioned to approve, Serena 2nd the motion to approve minutes as submitted

Officers Report:

A.      President / Logistics: Christmas dinner went well and was fun.

B.      Treasurer’s Report: Nothing to report.

Action Items:

A.  Discussion took place over Appreciation Dinner. The appreciation dinner will be the 1st weekend in February. The CD hall has been secured for the location. Appetizers at 6PM and dinner at 6:30PM. The dinner will be catered as a buffet. Support services will bring appetizers: Serena-BBQ wieners; Lisa-chips and dip; Kathy-Salami and cream cheese; Betty- Cider

B.  Discussion took place over Valentine’s Roses. They will be ordered from Costco again. Set up will be on Feb. 10th at 9 a.m. The dept. members will sell on Sat. morning at Ace at 10 a.m.

C.  Discussion took place over the sale of WFD calendars. The previous sale was profitable. The account will need to be verified to see how much funds are left from previous sponsors. Larry is willing to go and talk with the community about more sponsors if necessary. We are too late to sell calendars for this year. It was discussed to do live shots of the members throughout the year. Betty will contact the Trinity Animal Shelter and see if they would be interested in doing a co-op fundraiser.

Committee Reports:

A.      EMS Support: Supply bags are being switched around to accommodate for new vehicles. We could benefit for more bags. It is helpful for the bags to be embroidered with the engine numbers so they make it back to where they belong after use. A reminder to everyone to please restock bags when supplies have been used.

B.      Station Maintenance: Weekly work is being done on organizing and cleaning. They will be working on doing inventory to ensure we don’t run out of supplies.

C.      Equipment Maintenance: Herk comes in weekly to work on stuff. A request was made to polish up the chrome on the engines. The other equipment is in good shape. 

D.      Web Technology: Is going well and is being updated regularly.

E.      Marketing: An ad needs to be placed for selling roses. Flyers also need to be made.

Open Forum and Topics for next meeting

Fire safe house as a field trip for elementary students in Spring.

Children’s festival

Selling Mother’s Day roses

Appreciation ideas for Father’s Day ??

4th of July Parade and Open house 


The meeting was adjourned at 6:07.